Que es un traumatismo abdominal abierto?

¿Qué es un traumatismo abdominal abierto?

b) Traumatismo abierto o penetrante, denominado Herida. Es cuando existe solución de continuidad en la pared abdominal, producida por elementos cortantes o transfixiantes, como en las heridas por arma blanca o heridas por arma de fuego.

¿Qué pasa cuando te golpean el abdomen?

Una lesión contundente en el abdomen es un golpe directo al abdomen pero que no causa una lesión abierta. Es posible que algunos órganos, como el páncreas, el hígado, el bazo o la vejiga, resulten lesionados. Los intestinos también pueden resultar lesionados. Estas lesiones podrían provocar sangrado interno.

¿Cuáles son las lesiones más comunes en abdomen?


  • Ruptura de Hematoma.
  • Absceso intraabdominal.
  • Obstrucción intestinal o íleo.
  • Fugas biliares y/o biloma.
  • Síndrome abdominal compartimental.

What can cause abdominal trauma?

Causes. Motor vehicle collisions are a common source of blunt abdominal trauma. Seat belts reduce the incidence of injuries such as head injury and chest injury, but present a threat to such abdominal organs as the pancreas and the intestines, which may be displaced or compressed against the spinal column.

What is the most common cause of abdominal trauma?

[11] reported motor vehicle crashes (MVCs), fall from height and assaults to be the most common causes of blunt abdominal trauma. The penetrating trauma is mainly caused by gunshot, stab, and other objects that enter the peritoneal cavity.

What is the most common mechanism of injury that causes abdominal trauma?

Penetrating trauma occurs when an object physically enters through the skin and wall of the abdominal cavity. The most common mechanism for penetrating trauma is gunfire, followed by stabbing. Other causes include impalement and animal bites. As an object enters the abdominal cavity, it injures the organs in two ways.

What is an abdominal trauma?

Abdominal trauma is an injury to the abdomen. Signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, tenderness, rigidity, and bruising of the external abdomen. Complications may include blood loss and infection. Diagnosis may involve ultrasonography, computed tomography, and peritoneal lavage, and treatment may involve surgery.

When assessing the abdomen during a rapid secondary assessment we are looking for?

A secondary assessment can be performed at the scene or en route to the hospital. Place the patient supine and expose the abdomen by removing clothing, while still providing patient privacy. Look for any visual signs of injury including the anterior, lateral, and posterior areas of the abdomen.

What are the causes of abdominal trauma?