¿Dónde se absorbe la vitamina B3?
La vitamina B3 o niacina es una vitamina hidrosoluble, es decir, soluble en agua. Se absorbe por difusión pasiva, no se almacena en el organismo y los excedentes se eliminan en la orina.
¿Cómo se descubrio la vitamina B3?
La estructura química de ese factor fue descubierta posteriormente en 1937 por el bioquímico americano Conrado Arnold Elvehjem. Él indujo una lengüeta negra en perros introduciéndoles la dieta de Goldberger, y después curó la enfermedad complementando su dieta con el ácido nicotínico.
¿Qué alimentos contienen niacinamida?
La niacinamida se encuentra en muchos alimentos incluidos levadura, carne, pescado, leche, huevos, verduras, frijoles y cereales. La niacinamida también se encuentra en muchos suplementos vitamínicos del complejo B. Además puede formarse en el cuerpo gracias a la injerta de niacina en la dieta.
What is vitamin B3 used for?
Vitamin B3 — niacin — is helpful in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels and also in reducing the risk of the occurrence of a second heart attack. It also is used to correct pellagra (niacin deficiency), which can affect people with poor diets or other health problems.
What is vitamin B3 also known as?
Vitamin B3 is also known as niacin. There are two forms of vitamin B3: nicotinic acid and nicotinamide What is vitamin B3? Vitamin B3 is also known as niacin. There are two forms of vitamin B3: nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. Why do I need vitamin B3? Vitamin B3 helps release energy from food.
What is the function of vitamin B3?
Vitamin B3, or niacin, is involved in chemical reactions that provide your cells with the energy they need for normal metabolism. It’s essential to the good health of your skin, digestive system and nervous system.
Where can I find vitamin B3?
Niacin is a form of vitamin B3. It is found in foods such as yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, and cereal grains. Niacin is also produced in the body from tryptophan, which is found in protein-containing food. When taken as a supplement, niacin is often found in combination with other B vitamins.