¿Cómo se trata el edema?

¿Cómo se tratan los edemas?

  1. Reposo en cama con elevación de las extremidades.
  2. Tomar dieta con poca sal que evite la acumulación de agua.
  3. Utilizar tratamiento diurético para eliminar el líquido retenido.
  4. Utilizar medias elásticas para ayudar a movilizar los edemas y aumentar el retorno venoso.

¿Qué hacer para que no tener edemas?

Consejos para prevenir los edemas

  1. Realizar actividad física diaria para controlar un posible sobrepeso o exceso de masa grasa.
  2. Intentar llevar una dieta equilibrada sin abusar del consumo de sal.
  3. Mantener un ritmo intestinal regular, evitando la presencia de estreñimiento.

What does Edma mean?

Edma as a name for girls is of Old English origin, and the meaning of the name Edma is «wealthy protector». Edma is a variant form of Edmonda (Old English): feminine of Edmund .

What is the difference between edema and lymph edema?

Edema is usually caused by excess tissue fluid that had not yet returned to the circulatory system. Lymphedema is swelling caused by excess protein-rich lymph trapped within the tissues. Edema due to an injury, such as bumping into something, is caused by additional tissue fluid coming into the area to help with healing.

What is degree of edema?

Edema is documented according to type (pitting, nonpitting, or brawny), extent, location, symmetry, and degree of pitting. Areas over bony prominences are palpated for edema by pressing with the fingertip for 5 sec, then releasing.

What is edema causes of edema?

The balance and regulation of fluid in the body is very complex. In short, the cause of edema as simply defined as possible, is that tiny blood vessels in the body (capillaries) leak fluid into the surrounding tissues. This excess fluid causes the tissues to swell.