¿Cómo se dice temblor?

earthquake n. tremor n. Ayer se registró un gran temblor de tierra en Haití.

¿Cómo se escribe temblor de tierra?

Cómo se dice «temblor de tierra» en inglés

  1. earthquake.
  2. earth tremor.

What does Temblores mean?

Temblor is another word for an earthquake or a tremor. These terms are all less commonly used than earthquake and tremor. The plural of temblor is temblors, but temblores is also sometimes used as a plural (due to the fact that temblor came from Spanish and this is how it is pluralized in Spanish).

What is the difference between a temblor and earthquake?

As nouns the difference between temblor and earthquake is that temblor is an earthquake while earthquake is a shaking of the ground, caused by volcanic activity or movement around geologic faults.

What does trembler mean?

1 : to shake involuntarily (as with fear or cold) : shiver. 2 : to move, sound, pass, or come to pass as if shaken or tremulous the building trembled from the blast. 3 : to be affected with great fear or anxiety trembled for the safety of her child.

What is the difference between the focus and the Epicentre of an earthquake?

The focus is the place inside Earth’s crust where an earthquake originates. The point on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus is the epicenter. When energy is released at the focus, seismic waves travel outward from that point in all directions.

WHAT IS THE WORD palpitate mean?

: to beat rapidly and strongly : throb My heart began to palpitate when I was announced as the winner.

What is the difference between focus and Hypocentre?

As nouns the difference between focus and hypocentre is that focus is (countable|optics) a point at which reflected or refracted rays of light converge while hypocentre is (geology) the focus of an earthquake, directly under the epicentre.

What do you mean by streamlining Class 8?

Streamlining is a design that offers the least resistance to the flow of liquid. Friction is minimum for the streamlined shapes, which is generally rounded in the front and narrow at the back. Ships have a streamlined shape, which helps to reduce friction with the water. 2.

What is streamlining in science class 8?

Answer: Streamlining is a design that offers the least resistance to the flow of a fluid, especially air or water. Friction is minimum for a streamlined shape, which is rounded in the front and narrow at the back. It is useful as: Ship also have streamlined shapes to reduce friction with water.