Como compartir juegos de Epic Games a un amigo?

¿Cómo compartir juegos de Epic Games a un amigo?

Para agregar amigos de Steam a tu cuenta de Epic Games, debes vincularla con tu cuenta de Steam:

  1. Inicia sesión con tu cuenta de Steam en el cliente de Steam.
  2. Inicia sesión en el iniciador de Epic Games.
  3. A la derecha, haz clic en Ver todos, sobre tu lista de amigos.
  4. Haz clic en el ícono de persona con el signo +.

Does Borderlands 2 support co-op play?

As such, the news that BL2 supports this type of play is sure to excite many players. With respect to how fans can go about setting up Borderlands 2 co-op between the Epic Games Store and Steam, all that is required is that the participating parties have linked Shift accounts.

Is Borderlands 2 multiplayer on Steam and Epic Games Store?

However, not every player will know if multiplayer across the Epic Games Store and Steam is possible with BL2, and this guide is here to shine some light on the matter. To put things simply, players that have downloaded Borderlands 2 through the Epic Games Store can absolutely play with their friends that have purchased the game through Steam.

Is Borderlands 2 free to play with friends?

The Epic Games Store is currently allowing players to download Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for free, which is leading to some renewed interest in Borderlands 2. Indeed, many new players are now dipping their toes into this acclaimed looter shooter, and some of them are looking to enjoy the title with their friends.

Does Borderlands 2 have cross-play with PS4 and Xbox One?

One final thing to say is that neither BL2 nor The Pre-Sequel allow for cross-play with consoles, and thus players that have just picked these games up through the Epic Games Store will not be able to co-op with their PS4 and Xbox One friends. This may be slightly disappointing to some fans, though it is certainly not highly-unusual.