¿Qué es Avastin y para qué sirve?
Avastin es un medicamento que se utiliza para el tratamiento de pacientes adultos con cáncer de colon o recto avanzado. Avastin se administrará en combinación con un tratamiento de quimioterapia que contenga un medicamento fluoropirimidínico.
¿Cómo se inyecta el Avastin en el ojo?
El interior del ojo está lleno de un líquido gelatinoso (humor vítreo). Durante este procedimiento, su proveedor de atención médica inyecta medicamento en el humor vítreo, cerca de la retina en la parte posterior del ojo. El medicamento puede tratar ciertos problemas oculares y ayudar a proteger su visión.
¿Cuál es el tratamiento para la retinopatía diabética?
Para prevenir el progreso de la retinopatía diabética, las personas con diabetes deben controlar los niveles de azúcar en la sangre, la presión arterial y el colesterol. La retinopatía proliferativa se trata con cirugía láser. Este procedimiento se llama fotocoagulación retiniana.
What are the side effects of Avastin injections in the eye?
What are the Side Effects or Risks of Avastin Injections? Side effects are generally uncommon and include transient red eye, eye pain, eye floaters, elevated intraocular pressure. More serious side effects are rare and include serious serious eye infections (endophthalmitis) and detached retinas.
What kind of drug is Avastin?
Drug type: Avastin is classified as a «monoclonal antibody» and «anti-angiogenesis» drug. (For more detail, see «How this drug works» section below.)
How long does it take for Avastin to work in the eye?
By one month the drug should be working. Many people will notice some improvement in vision. Generally this improvement is temporary, and the injection may be offered again months later. The macular oedema reduces, with a maximum reduction at 2 weeks, and starts to wear off after 3 months (see).
Is Avastin a form of chemotherapy?
Avastin isn’t a chemotherapy drug.) But for some types of cancer, Avastin is approved for use on its own. Avastin contains the drug bevacizumab. It’s a monoclonal antibody, which is a type of drug that’s made from immune system cells.
What does Avastin do to your body?
Avastin is designed to block a protein called vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF. Normal cells make VEGF, but some cancer cells make too much VEGF. Blocking VEGF may prevent the growth of new blood vessels, including normal blood vessels and blood vessels that feed tumors.