Donde muere Marcus Fenix?

¿Donde muere Marcus Fenix?

Este lunes, Gears of War 4 estrenó trailer e hizo crujir el corazón de miles de fans de la saga pues en una escena parece que Marcus Fenix, protagonista desde la primera entrega en 2006, muere a manos del nuevo enemigo: The Swarms.

¿Cuántos años tiene Marcus Fenix en Gears 5?

Marcus Fenix
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Nacimiento: Tyro, 21 años antes del Dia-E
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Rango: Sargento

¿Cómo se hizo la cicatriz Marcus Fenix?

Efectivamente Marcus obtuvo su cicatriz en la prisión, un guardia llamado Campbell, odiaba a Marcus, tanto que un día lo encerró en uno de los bloques de celdas y libero un par de perros para atacarlo a el y a otro prisionero, Marcus logro matar a los perros, pero fue herido de gravedad por uno de ellos, lo cual …

What happened in the trial of Marcus Fenix?

» The Trial of Marcus Fenix was a controversial court-martial of the Pendulum Wars hero, Sgt. Marcus Fenix. He was court-martialed under the grounds of failing to obey orders, punching his CO out and helping to cause the Fall of Ephyra.

What happened to Marcus in Warzone?

Marcus was found guilty and was originally sentenced to death by a firing squad, but the sentence was reduced to 40 years in Jacinto Maximum Security Prison. He would only serve four years when Dom broke him out during the Lightmass Offensive.

Who was involved in the trial against Marcus?

Chief of the COG Defense Staff Colonel Victor Hoffman led the trial against Marcus with an NCOG captain overseeing the trial while Cpl. Dominic Santiago testified in Marcus’ defense.

What happened to Marcus Hoffman after the Dom Santiago trial?

He would only serve four years when Dom broke him out during the Lightmass Offensive. The fallout of the trial would lead to Dom Santiago losing any future promotion opportunities and to Hoffman losing respect for Marcus.